Wednesday, September 30, 2009

get your autumn on

Equinox passed and seems the world shifted all a sudden. Gusts of wind fuel frost advisories. Round every tree a squirrel or chipmunk, collecting the rewards of patience and depositing into an underground savings account that must last until the thaw. Days shortened and birdsong dimmed. I don the long underwear I will spot every day for the next six to seven months. I put away the sunglasses, an essential item just a few weeks ago. I wrap the scarf round my neck and take in that familiar smell, the consequence of many months of sweat and body order infused into the fabric. Fall has arrived and it's time to dig in again.

Aside from a book to compile, another book to review, a confoundingly competitive and self-important process known as grad school applications, a summit to plan and a work situation that will likely grow more (ahem) situated in a few months, I am intent on completing two other essential tasks:

1) Finding a spot to watch the turning of the fall colors, and
2) Picking apples.

If you have a recommendation for either I would be happy to field it and toss it around with some buddies of mine.

In the meantime, I have this to look forward to. Come on out and bring all the cats you know and some you don't. I'm counting on y'all.

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