Thursday, September 17, 2009

area man laid low by cup of coffee

Call it prudishness or health nuttery, but I seriously had this awful, awful reaction to some coffee I had yesterday morning.

I have not had coffee in at least half a year. But I caved to financial pressure at a coffeeshop (I am always ending up in coffeeshops and I don't even like coffeeshops all that much) where I had but two dollars on my person, not enough for my preferred hot chocolate, but enough for their smallest cup of joe. And I caved to transportation pressure as well because I failed to get a lid for it and Metro Transit does not tolerate open containers of anything, and thus downed it all in less than 10 minutes to catch the next bus to downtown.

I did not have my usual reaction: overblown energy for 3 to 4 hours followed by conking out for the rest of the day. Instead, I had nervous, jittery energy which sapped my appetite, gave me feverish symptoms, and otherwise put me in a crappy mood that was only amplified by crappy events later in the evening.

If you are a fellow caffeine prude and can sympathize with this experience and want to be my friend (well, I'll have to suss you out first), please drop a line. To all the others out there who regularly drink mountains of the stuff (and this includes the twin sis): you have my sincere admiration and horror.


  1. I've had to give up and almost always drink decaf now. Not because a cup or two would send me into caffeinated convulsions, but because the mountains worth of coffee I like to drink would make me sick.

    I couldn't give coffee up completely because something about it is so comforting.

  2. Coffee is comforting, agreed. I think there's a memory thing to it. Back in New Orleans I had a lot more alcohol in the system, and though I never got hung over I did want a break from it at times, which is where a cup of joe at Rose Nicaud or Cafe Envie or the cherished Cafe Du Monde came in handy. The pleasure of it stuck with me.

    Similarly, having a bad reaction to coffee like I did just now is a memory I'm not likely to forget for a while.
